How to follow illuminati

How to follow illuminati

You may think that following the Illuminati is impossible, but it really isn't. There are several different paths to becoming part of the Illuminati, including joining a secret society like the Freemasons or Knights Templar. How to follow illuminati

Here's a step-by-step guide to following the Illuminati:

1. Join a Secret Society

Secret societies are groups of people who share common interests and goals. They usually meet regularly to discuss topics related to their shared interest, such as politics, religion, philosophy, economics, science, etc.

Some secret societies are based around specific religions, such as the Freemasons, which are based on Christianity. Others are based around political ideologies, such as the Ku Klux Klan, which was founded during the American Civil War. Still others are based around scientific principles, such as the Rosicrucians.

Many secret societies are also known as fraternities or sororities, though these terms aren't used exclusively by members of secret societies. For example, the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity is a member of the National Panhellenic Conference, which is made up of sororities and fraternities. Steps to join illuminati

2. Become a Member of the Order

Once you've joined a secret society, you'll become a member of its order. Members of orders are called brothers or sisters. Orders are divided into degrees, which correspond to the level of membership within the order.

For example, the highest degree of the Masonic order is Master Mason. Other degrees include Apprentice Mason, Fellow Craft Mason, Past Master Mason, and so forth.

3. Attend Meetings

Meetings are held regularly by secret societies. These meetings are open to all members of the order, and they're typically held in private homes or meeting rooms.

Members of secret societies often attend meetings together, and some orders hold special events for members only. For example, the Masons hold annual How to join illuminati society Grand Lodge sessions, which are open to all Masons. How to join illuminati society

4. Participate in Rituals

Rituals are ceremonies that members perform to honor their ancestors, celebrate significant life events, or commemorate historical figures. Some rituals involve physical activity, such as dancing or chanting.

Other rituals require mental focus, such as meditation or prayer. Many secret societies conduct rituals before important events, such as graduations or weddings. Join the illuminati new world order

5. Engage in Social Activities

After attending meetings and participating in rituals, many secret societies engage in social activities with other members. These activities can be anything from going out to eat to playing sports to visiting museums.

6. Share Knowledge

In addition to sharing knowledge about history and current affairs, members of secret societies will sometimes share information about themselves. This could mean talking about your family, where you live, what you do for work, or any number of things.

7. Form Groups

Groups are formed when members of secret societies get together to talk about their shared interests. Each group has an official name, but it's not always clear whether this name is just a label or if it actually refers to something more concrete.

8. Hold Events

Events are gatherings of members of secret societies. These events can take place anywhere, including at home, in public spaces, or even in secret locations.

9. Have Fun

Secret societies are fun! They provide opportunities for people to meet new friends, learn new skills, and have lots of laughs.

10. Be Loyal

Loyalty is one of the most important values of secret societies. Members are expected to be loyal to each other, the organization, and the ideals of the society. How to get money from illuminati

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